Sandy Cameron



  • Tim Fox
  • Alison Ahart Williams
  • Erika Noguchi
  • Territory
    Press Resources
    “Central to this suite was a demonic, Paganini-inspired violin solo, played with steamy virtuosity by Sandy Cameron. This episode, a shameless showstopper…”

    Declared “brilliant” by the Washington Post, violinist Sandy Cameron is one of the most strikingly unique artists of her generation. Since her debut at the age of 12 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Ms. Cameron has performed extensively as a soloist throughout the world. Here are some personal highlights of Sandy’s work:

    Places and Orchestras: Ms. Cameron has been recognized on stages worldwide and in a variety of settings. The White Nights Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the Adelaide Festival of the Arts in Australia are among a number of unique performance experiences Ms. Cameron has had. She has appeared...

    “Acrobatic, athletic, and commanding, Cameron’s powerful violin playing approached the realm of performance art.”
    DC Metro Theater Arts, Diane Jackson Schnoor
    Indeed the best thing one can say about Cameron’s performance is that she didn’t play the work – she owned it.